Software branches and versions
Because you always forget where your code is
Analysis/Readout scripts
All scripts MUST be on Git repository, and status of repository clones should be checked regularly. I have three main repositories:
macros-ship: the largest one, with all simulation, FEDRA conversion and data analysis codes;
Tutorial-DESY: containing the code for DESY19 electron testbeam data;
macros-snd: the newest one, for now very small. It will be updated as SND marches on;
All this code, serving for my personal purpose only, has no branches (I commit directly on master).
FairShip branches
The main active branches of my FairShip forks are the following:
charmsim: for SHiP-charm simulation;
shipdesy: again, for DESY19 data;
annaritasnd_tungsten: temporary, for Annarita's fork of FairShip, with SND prototye software
FEDRA software versions
There are many versions, especially on nusrv9. They are built on SVN, which is the ancestor of GIT:
Default one, used for standard alignment/tracking reconstruction. It SHOULD NOT be used for vertex reconstruction (but now it would crash, so I would immediately notice it)
The official SVN repository, a clean clone can be found in: /ship/CHARM2018/fedra_official/. It must be used for shower reconstruction, and when updated but clean code needs to be used;
My test SVN repository: /ship/CHARM2018/fedra_test: it is the only one which contains the vertex tree IO routines, so it is the one used for SHIP-CHARM vertex reconstruction.
lxplus version should match my test SVN repository (version 3).
Last updated
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