Vtx Identification
Script name: Definitions.h
Description: Header file where simulation and vertex variables and trees are declared.
The name of the simulation files needs to be set here.
Script name: vtx_MC_analysis.C
Code for the identification of vertices reconstructed by FEDRA using a MC simulation.
The code provides most probable event and mother ID for each vertex, the number of electrons, primaries and charm daughters. A flag, charm_daug tells about the presence of a charm daughter in a vertex.
It requires as input file the vertex file usually called "vertextree_test.root" and a simulation file.
It provides in output the file called "vtx_MC_analysis.root" that is used as input for the BDTs studies (see README_BDT.txt).
List of variables:
mp_eventID --> Most probable montecarlo id of the vertex
mp_motherID --> Most probable montecarlo mother id of the vertex
mp_pdgID --> Most probable pdg id of the vertex
charm_daug --> If 0 no charm daughter tracks in the vertex, if 1 a least one charm daughter in the vertex
n_electrons --> Number of electrons in the vertex (even if the montecarlo id is different from mp_eventID)
n_primaries --> Number of primary daughter tracks (mother id of the track is -1)
n_charmdaug --> Number of charm daughter tracks (mother id of the track is 1 or 2)
n_events --> Number of montecarlo events linked to the vertex (ideal case == 1)
n_mothers --> Number of mother IDs linked to the vertex (ideal case == 1)
root -l
.L vtx_MC_analysis.C
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