Access simulation output
The simulation produces two files:
a geometry file, called geofile*.root (full name depends on the simulation launched);
a file with the cbmsim TTree containing the hits in the detectors, called ship*.root
Inspecting geometry file
The geometry file contains the positions and dimensions of all the volumes implemented in this simulation:
will print all mother volumes (i.e. the main volume for each detector class). To inspect a volume myvolume in more detail, the following options can be added:
where nlevels repretents the required depth to inspect the hierarchy volume (i.e. daughters, granddaughters volumes, etc.).
The positions of the volumes are in the global sndsw reference system.
Position of a node can be accessed from its path, with the function local2Global(path).
It will return a dictionary with position information
Reading simulation file
In order to analyze the produced simulation file, a script needs to be written to access the cbmsim output TTree. Each entry of this tree is an event (in this case, a neutrino interaction), and it contains:
A TClonesArray with the produced particles, objects of the ShipMCTrack class
TClonesArrays with the FairMCPoints left by the particle in each detector (each detector has a different branch: EmulsionDetPoint, ScifiDetPoint, MuFilterPoint). To save memory, emulsion hits are disabled by default. They can activated by setting c.EmulsionDet.PassiveOption = 1 in $SNDSW/geometry/ before launching the simulation
Accessing this information in a Python interface in sndsw environment is quite straightforward, thanks to the PyROOT interface. It is enough to loop into the TTree and access the branches:
Direct loop-based access like this small example are usually faster in a ROOT C++ based script, which however requires to set the branches beforehand. Two examples can be seen here:
Example witihn sndsw environment: the simplest way is to use TTreeReader class (
Example without sndsw environment: and files: here the methods are not called, but the information is retrieved directly from the TTree branches containing the attributes.
Note about copying and cloning TTree
CopyTree() and CloneTree() are useful commands to select a TTree subsample. However, due to FairROOT and ROOT type variables, before using them with new files the following command needs to be launched:
If you do not do that, it will corrupt any branch with double variable
Checking geometry overlaps
Currently, there are too many SciFi volumes, therefore default checkoverlaps leads to memory errors. Need to apply the following function:
def checkOverlaps():
sGeo = ROOT.gGeoManager
for n in range(1,6):
Hscifi = sGeo.FindVolumeFast('ScifiVolume'+str(n))
removalList = []
for x in Hscifi.GetNodes():
if x.GetName().find('Scifi')==0: removalList.append(x)
for x in removalList: Hscifi.RemoveNode(x)
sGeo.CheckOverlaps(0.1) # 1 micron takes 5minutes
# check subsystems in more detail
for x in sGeo.GetTopNode().GetNodes():
Inspecting geometry values also helps:
python -i -n 0 âPG,
emu = modules["EmulsionDet"]
emu. GetConfParF("EmulsionDet/TotalWallZDim")
Last updated
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