Muon flux

How full we want our detector

Study of neutrino detection and bacgkround rejjection in the new location

Simulation files by Eduard

Prepared information of muon hits in 3 scoring planes:

  • sco_0Point, z = -3100;

  • sco_1Point, z = -2800;

  • sco_2Point, z = -2600;

Analysis performed with script:

After analysis, resulted TTrees and plots are stored in my EOS:


Using the function create_tree(), the information from the 3 scoring plane is stored into an NTuple.

Before launching this code, it is necessary to activate my kerberos credentials: kinit aiuliano@CERN.CH

Then, using read_tree(0), I read the data from scoringplane 0 with RDataFrame and store into output file (use 1,2 for reading different tree).

plotmuondensity(0) plots the muon density with large bins, and compute muon density for cm2 in an area

Last updated