Conversion to FEDRA and track reconstruction
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The code which currently does it is
We launch it with $MACROSDESY/FEDRA/fromFairShip2Fedra.C("simfile.root"). Parameters should be read from a .rootrc file. A directory b00000i (i=1,2...8) containing empty subdirectories p001...p057 should be prepared. At the end of the scripts, these directories will be filled with converted couples trees.
FairShip2Fedra.nevents 10000 #how many events to convert
FairShip2Fedra.nbrick 1 #it will set the brick numbers in the IDs
FairShip2Fedra.nplates 29
FairShip2Fedra.ngrains 70 #placeholder value, it cannot be 0 because it will not read the couples
FairShip2Fedra.minmomentum 0.03 #cut on momentum
FairShip2Fedra.dosmearing 1 #applying smearing in angle
FairShip2Fedra.maxtheta 1 #maxangle
FairShip2Fedra.useefficiencymap 0 #use angular efficiency map instead of fixed value
FairShip2Fedra.emuefficiency 0.85 #fixed value of efficiency in plates
FairShip2Fedra.angres 0.003 #angular resolution
Copy and track.rootrc files from $MACROSDESY/FEDRA/track.rootrc and $MACROSDESY/FEDRA/ in the b00000i folder. Launch (check dz and number of plates!)
Then, Track reconstruction is performed with emtra, as usual by FEDRA. A text file is also produced, to be used as input for the shower reconstruction interface. See next section for details.
I have recently (9 July 2020) changed the cut from minimum kinetic energy to minimum momentum, to test a different cut with respect to the one used in SHiP-charm. Being here for the most part electrons, the difference should be minimal. However, I have always been told to set a momentum cut to be more similar with data, not a kinetic cut (just using the kinetic energy to be coherent with the FairShip cut). Therefore, it stands to reason to use a momentum cut here.