Decay search
The decay search "DS" is performed on vertex and track files processed by FEDRA. Usually these files are called "vertextree_test.root" and "linked_tracks.root".
Description: Header file where track and vertex variables and trees are declared.
Description: Datacard where cuts for the DS are defined (some cuts depends on dataset and should be set here)
Description: Code for the DS which requires in input the following files:
1) Definitions.h
2) DsCuts.h
3) vertextree_test.root
4) linked_tracks.root
5) vtx_BDT_data_evaluated.root (see README_BDT.txt)
6) vtx_BDT_data_evaluated2nd.root (see README_BDT.txt)
It provides in output the following files:
1) log_info_ds.txt (preliminary info before the DS)
2) log_ds_search.txt (report of the decay search)
3) ds_data_result.root (output tree with the DS results)
Script name: selection_decaysearch_sim.C (see next section)
Description: The script provides additional selections to the DS tree. It requires as input file "ds_data_result.root" and provides in output the file "annotated_data_result.root"
DS run
root -l .L vtx_data_study.C myrun() (type 2 for the decay search)
new selections
root -l selection_decaysearch_sim.C
Silver and Golden events
During our first study of CHARM1-RUN6 candidates, we called "silver events" the events with at least one secondary vertex (dsvtx.vtx2_vid.size>=1), while "golden events" require at least two vertices
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