Used for hadronic interactinos, also common in dosimetry studies

Set environment variables at the start of each session:

export FLUPRO=/home/antonio/FLUKA export FLUFOR=gfortran

To do it from bash:

source enviromentfluka.sh

Run FLUKA (project MUST be placed in a different folder from FLUKA): $FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -N0 -M1 nomefile.inp where N is the start loop and M the final loop. Defaults: N=0 and M=5. We can omitt .inp estension

How to change an user routine: after modification, compile with fff macro:

$FLUPRO/flutil/fff mgdraw.f
#then link to FLUKA in order to change and executable with lfluka:
$FLUPRO/flutil/lfluka -m fluka -o miofluka mgdraw.o #Finally launch the executable:
$FLUPRO/flutil/rfluka -e miofluka -N0 -M1 nomefile.inp 

Last updated