Software stack test build
and again and again and again...
During my two year-long astronomical hiatus, one of the few activties I am regularly doing for SHiP is testing new stacks, in support to the Software Coordinator (Oliver).
For this, I am connecting to a Virtual Machine provided by CERN Openstack service, where the latest LTS Ubuntu version (currently 22.04) supported is mounted.
The machine is only accessible from lxplus, and it uses my ssh key for access.
Test-Building a new stack
Basically, create a path under the "fake" path /cvmfs/ This naming is used to avoid confusion, when the package will be shipped to the CVMFS file system.
Then, clone the cvmfs_release current master into the "release" with naming convention YY.MM (i.e. 24.09):
Please remember to update shipdist to the latest master (or the version Oliver will point me to)
Then, build FairShip and all related packages as usual:
Last updated
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